Coffee With A Touch Of…

We all like to experiment from time to time. Adding a little fun into the mix too is never a bad thing.

This is exactly what we have done below. We wondered what would happen if we added things to coffee, so we gave it a go. Remember, its just a bit of fun.

Often, people will add a little something to their hot beverage. This could be a slice of lemon or maybe a sprinkle of cinnamon. Ever thought about doing the same with coffee? Nope, neither did we; until one day it came to us. So, we gave it a try.

If, you haven’t tried adding different ingredients to your coffee before, give it a go. What is the worst that could happen!


Fruit with coffee


We ran our fruity experiments below without milk to get the full taste sensation of whatever fruit we added to the coffee.

Coffee with a touch of… Orange

Adding orange to anything will give it that warm, summer feeling. It’s great for this time of year when we could all do with a little reminder of those long summer evenings.

I imagined this to add a tangy taste to my coffee, but one that wasn’t overpowering. We used a Chemex for this experiment.


oranges in a chemex


As I let the orange sit in the coffee for some time, I could start to smell the orange flavours.

As I imagined, the aroma got stronger as I let the coffee sit for longer. The taste of orange was pretty subtle but slightly more noticeable in the aftertaste.

I was expecting the taste to get stronger as the coffee cooled, but instead, it stayed the same throughout.

Coffee with a touch of… Blueberries

Blueberries have a certain freshness and a very recognisable sweet flavour.

They came to mind as I thought the contrast between blueberries and coffee would be an interesting one.

This intrigued me. My thoughts beforehand were that the flavours would be subtle, but tasty and somewhat noticeable all the same.

We used a Cafetiere for this experiment.


blueberries in an aeropress


There wasn’t a pronounced aroma when I added the blueberries, and this seemed to stay the same throughout. I noticed the blueberry more in the aftertaste rather than when I drank it to start with.

Although the flavours didn’t get much stronger, I noticed the coffee was a lot sweeter; however it didn’t ruin the overall taste. The flavour of the blueberry wasn’t overpowering to me, and the flavour of the coffee was still prominent.

Coffee with a touch of… Apple

I don’t know about you, but when I’ve eaten an apple, I always feel refreshed.

The sweetness and juiciness found within an apple are unbeatable. My initial thought was to pair a few pieces of apple with a coffee that had an apple-like acidity to start. Thus, adding to the flavours of the coffee (hopefully,) rather than muddying them.

We made coffee using an Espresso Machine this time.


espresso coffee with apple


The pieces of apple brought a subtle, sweet taste to the coffee but again, one that wasn’t overpowering.

The little taste of apple that was there seemed to quickly fade as the coffee cooled. However, it was more noticeable in the aftertaste. The sweetness from the apple mixed well with the flavours of the coffee.

Coffee with a touch of… Grape

Grapes are a super juicy fruit, so I was excited to see how coffee and grapes would pan out.

My initial thought was that the flavour of the grape would be soft with the juiciness and sweetness shining through.

We had some help from our Aeropress for this one.


grapes in an aeropress


Rather than just floating grapes into the coffee, the juices of the grapes were extracted as a result of using the Aeropress.

Instead of adding any new flavours to the coffee, the grape seemed to strengthen the coffees original taste! However, there was an added slight juiciness.

In conclusion, if we were to do this again, we would use an Aeropress for all. Alternatively, buy awesome coffee in the first place and you won’t need to add the fruit!


coffee in an orange mug with a kettle and tin


After a coffee with natural fruity flavours? Check out our blog about The Different Ways of Processing and Drying Coffee to find out what difference the processing method can make to the natural taste of the coffee.

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