Great news for Green fingers!

Guess what?

You can use your used coffee grounds in your garden- Wahoo!

Mary, Mary quite contrary,
How does your garden grow,
With silver bells and cockle shells,
And two chimps coffee spread in a row.

Yay- we are poets and didn’t even know it!

It is true; you can use your used coffee grounds in your garden in more ways than one. Read on to find out more.


A few ideas:

-If you have a compost pile you can make up around 20% of it with your used coffee grounds, they add nitrogen to your soil you see. You can also add used, natural, unbleached coffee filters to the pile too.

-If you don’t have a compost pile, you can add used coffee grounds directly to your soil as a fertiliser. The coffee grounds will not add nitrogen to your soil immediately, but it will bring organic material to your soil and plants, helping with drainage when watering and aeration. The coffee grounds can also lower the pH value in the soil which is great for plants that love acid like Roses or Beech Trees.

A little like making your perfect coffee, play around with the amount of coffee you use. Some plants will love lots of coffee grounds, where others will prefer a little less. Try a little bit and see how your plants behave- you don’t want them keeping you up with their dancing all night long!

-If you make a cup of coffee and don’t manage to drink it all before it goes cold (boohoo), you can use it to water your plants! Make sure that the coffee is diluted with water and only use if the coffee has no milk or sugar.

-Do you have a home for earthworms? Apparently, they love a little bit of coffee as well!

-And lastly, is it true? Apparently sprinkling a small amount of used coffee grounds around the base of your plants will help keep the pesky slugs and snails away from your precious green goddess plants- who knows?!

And there we have it, a few tips to make the most of your used coffee grounds. Check out more tips, tricks and other coffee related topics on our coffee lovers blog.


You may attract chimps with the smell and taste of delicious coffee in your garden. So, if this happens, they will most likely arrive uninvited and in green camouflage very similar to the fashionable tank tops in the 90’s.

We will leave you with that thought- Sleep well!

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