Can you grind coffee beans in a food processor?
Yes you can! Again, the consistency won’t be anywhere near as good as if you were buying freshly ground coffee, but grinding in a good processor is still an option. A little better than the blender option, too.
You will need to add more coffee to your food processor than your blender because it will probably have a larger work bowl.
1. Add a few scoops of beans to the contain and PUT THE LID ON
2. Grind in pulses of around 3 seconds each. Short pulses are better because this avoids overheating the coffee and making the final cup taste bitter
3. Shake or tilt the processor to get the grinds that have whizzed to the outside and keep your grinding as consistent as poss
4. Stop when you have reached the grind size you want
5. Tip out your fresh coffee grounds, add more beans and repeat
How to grind coffee with a rolling pin
Now we’re really getting back to basics! Smashing beans with a rolling pin will definitely not give you the even consistency of a really good brew, but it’s worth a go if you fancy some fun!
You might be able to get a finer grind size with a rolling pin than with a food processor, so it’s not bad for filter devices.
1. Pop the beans in food bag, close the zipper almost entirely and squash the air out
2. Start by bashing like you are breaking up biscuits for a cheesecake base
3. Once you’ve broken up most of the whole beans, change to a ‘rolling’ technique
4. Drive the pin over the coffee with a gentle but firm pressure. Keep giving it a little shake to bring the remnants into the middle
5. Keep going until you’ve reached the grind size you’re after
How to Grind Coffee with a Manual Coffee Grinder
Okaaay, we admit, this isn’t grinding coffee beans without a grinder. But it is grinding coffee without an electric grinder, so it still deserves a mention here.
Manual coffee grinders are small, hand-powered devices that grind whole coffee beans. They’re ideal if you’re going to make this grinding-coffee-beans-at-home business a regular thing.
To use your hand coffee grinder, simply set the grind setting to the desired size and then tip your coffee beans into the top chamber (the hopper). Add the lid, screw on the lever and start turning. And that’s it – you’re grinding!
Check out our manual grinder guide to learn more about manual coffee grinders and discover the best hand grinder for your kitchen!
Hand Grinder Guide