Here at Two Chimps we love trying new coffees, and we hope you do too. But we know sometimes a particular coffee might not be up your street.

Curiosity Rewarded The Chimp

Because we don’t want you to be punished for your curiosity, if you buy a coffee from us that you don’t like and there’s only 100g or less missing, you can send it back and we’ll send you a different one! If you don’t like the new one either, we’ll refund you completely! This is our money-back guarantee!

All you have to do is get in touch, let us know which coffee you chose, and why you didn’t like it. We’ll help you pick a new one that we hope you’ll love, and get it sent out free of charge! Awesome!

Coffee beans getting roasted


Colour Me Impressed

Sadly, nothing lasts forever, and this is as true of coffee as it is everything else. Here at Two Chimps, we buy seasonally to ensure every bag that leaves the roastery is super fresh and ultra tasty. This does mean that our coffees change regularly throughout the year, and the day will come when your favourite coffee has its last roast.

That’s why we have the colour system. We work hard searching for new coffees with similar characteristics to each of the current range, so that when one coffee ends, we have a new one ready to take its place as your new fave.


How To Choose Your Coffee

We have a range of awesome coffees from across the coffee belt for you to try, from lightly roasted super fruity numbers like our yellow label coffee, to the punchy medium-dark roast blue label. There are also some limited-edition coffees, like our white label or Father’s Day coffees. These don’t follow a particular profile and are just awesome coffees we’ve found along the way. Below is a breakdown of the profiles of our main range. You can also use our awesome coffee wizard to help you pick the right coffee for you.



Brew The Rainbow


Main Range


BlueMedium/DarkStrong, Punchy, and Tangy. Great in the mornings.
GreenMediumSweet, Biscuity, and Smooth. A great all-rounder.
PinkMediumCreamy, Zesty, and Sweet. Awesome at any time of day.
OrangeMedium/DarkRich, Chocolatey, and Nutty. A classic profile, great for espresso.
YellowLight and FruityFruity and sweet. Fresh and clean, perfect brewed in a filter.



PurpleMediumRich, chocolatey, and Fruity. Classic coffee, no caffeine, no nonsense.
LilacLight and FruityTangy and Zesty. 3rd wave wonderment without the caffeine.


Limited Editions

RedMediumChocolatey and Zesty. A treat for the taste buds, bold but balanced.
WhiteLight and FruityFruity and Nutty. Fresh, delicate and delicious. Pop in a filter for the ultimate 3rd wave coffee experience.


Purple with PinkMediumSmooth, chocolatey, with a sweet acidity. Classic coffee, half the caffeine.


Please let us know if we can help you choose, and if you’d like to talk to a chimp about our Money-back guarantee – just give us a call.


Happy Brewing!


Browse the range