When Head Chimp Andy founded Two Chimps with Laura in 2016, they split their roles. From packing and roasting to social media – you name it, they did it! However, as time passed and the demand for awesome, no-nonsense coffee increased, they expanded their troop.
Nowadays, Andy uses his time to focus on the business aspects of TCC, creating spreadsheets and HR, developing KPIs, finances, cash flow, and researching new ventures. Andy also sets up the coffee machines for wholesale customers, trains up new baristas when requested, and runs our weekend coffee courses at Two Chimps HQ.
When we launch new coffees, Andy designs the new labels and gets them printed so they are ready to go when Jordyn’s does that first roast. Andy believes every day is a school day and is always looking to learn new things via books or seminars, whether about the business side or suggestions the team can expand on together in our weekly team meeting.