How to make Pumpkin Spice Coffee at home

Autumn (a.k.a pumpkin spice season) is upon us. The temperatures dipping, the cable knits are coming out, and our coffee can’t wait for its autumnal makeover!

We’ve squeezed the last rays from the late summer sun; now all we want is pumpkin spiced coffee! Forget the weatherman; this is the flavour that welcomes in autumn. It makes us think of bronze-coloured trees and blustery days, of snuggly socks and seasonal spices… and coffee that’s cosy in every way!

Latte glass from above surrounded by leaves, coffee beans and a teaspoon with pumpkin puree


What’s in a pumpkin spice mix?

We go crazy for spiced everything in autumn. From sticky ginger cakes to fragrant cinnamon buns, no one can resist the sweet-scented combo of autumn spices. And a pumpkin spiced coffee? It’s a hug-in-a-mug combo of cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg and earthy pumpkin puree.

You can buy pumpkin pie spice mix – feel free to use it here if you have some in the cupboard – but a quick combination of ground spices will give you the same warming flavour.

Pumpkin spice coffee in Two Chimps mug in front of two pumpkin muffins and beside a teaspoon and one half-eaten muffin


Make Pumpkin Spice Coffee at home

Shop bought pumpkin lattes are often ladened with sugar and artificial flavours. Takeaway cups are also a pain for the planet – we throw away 2.5 billion disposable cups each year. And yes, we know you can buy pumpkin syrups online, but who wants that when you can make a REAL pumpkin spice latte with REAL pumpkin puree? Make your pumpkin spice coffee today!

Pumpkin spice latte on circular chopping board with teaspoon, dish of pumpkin puree and Two Chimps Coffee bag



  • 250ml freshly brewed strong coffee or two shots espresso and 150ml water
  • 250ml milk or plant-based alternative
  • 2 tbsp pumpkin puree
  • 1 tbsp maple syrup
  • ¼ tsp each of ground ginger, ground cinnamon and ground mixed spice
  • Whipped cream
Pumpkin spiced coffee ingredients on kitchen counter



Add all of your ingredients into a pan and place over a medium heat. Stir until hot, but do not boil.

Pan with pumpkin coffee mix over heat


Pour into a glass and top with cream and a sprinkle of cinnamon

Pouring pumpkin latte from saucepan into latte glass


Fancy an iced version?

Simply pour the mixture over iced, stir and enjoy! Pumpkin spice iced latte, pronto!

Pumpkin spice coffee beside Two Chimps coffee tin, teaspoon, leaves and coffee beans


Give your cosy cup the best beans with single-origin coffee from Two Chimps. Why not check out the full range?


Overhead shot of pumpkin spice latte with dish of pumpkin puree, leaves, conkers and a teaspoon


Let's go!

Andy Cross

Meet the chimp behind this article!
Head Chimp founded Two Chimps alongside Laura in 2016 after being self-employed from the age of 21. He caught the coffee bug from using an at-home roaster, and the rest is history!

What Andy does outside of the treehouse:
When the weather’s nice, Andy loves going on bike rides with his trusty sidekick, microchimp Felix (who always leads the way, of course). Andy also enjoys spending time tending to the family’s vegetable garden, and looking after their at-home farmyard, which includes a cat, two guinea pigs, and six chickens!

Andy says…
“I believe every day is a school day, and I’m always looking for opportunities to stick my head in a book and absorb new knowledge. I also love a problem to solve and fix – there’s no such thing as problems, only solutions.”

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