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    Two Chimps Brew Guide Handbook

    Confused by cafetiere? A bit confounded by filter? No worries! Here’s the coffee guide for you!

    In this easy-read coffee handbook, we delve into all the main coffee-making methods. Each bright ‘n’ cheery page covers everything you need to know, from the grind size to the brew ratio, so you can make your best brew ever – whichever device you’re using!

    Espresso lover? Flip to the back of the booklet, where you’ll find our awesome Espresso Problem Solver. Envy no longer those perfect coffee shop shots – now you can make the perfect espresso at home! Groovy.

    The good stuff keeps on coming, too. Flip through the handbook to learn about arabica coffee bean growing, roasting, grinding and so much more!
    Whether you’re just starting to make coffee at home or fancy upgrading to a new brew method (or just want some AWESOME bedtime reading), this fun coffee handbook is the only companion you need!


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