This Colombian decaf starts with a rich chocolate base with a sprinkle of toasted nuts and a swirl of golden syrup. Finishing with a hint of lemon acidity, it’s a decaf that will delight your taste buds any day!

Try a 125g sample in the grind of your choice today.

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  • Tastes Like

    Looking for a delicious decaf? Your search is over! This speciality brew has been decaffeinated using natural methods, leaving the beans bursting with unique flavours that won’t have you missing the caffeinated stuff!

    Beginning with silky smooth chocolate notes, this medium-roasted coffee is topped with notes of toasted nuts and sweet golden syrup. To create the perfect balance, a twist of lemon acidity lingers at the end. Yum!

  • How to Brew

    While this coffee tastes awesome in every device, our favourites are an espresso machine, Aeropress & moka pot.

    If you want to know more, see our brew guides for making coffee.

  • Behind the Scenes

    These beans were grown in Huila, Colombia, one of the world’s most renowned coffee cultivation areas. Once harvested, these beans are decaffeinated using the sugar cane method. A process using mountain spring water with Ethyl Acetate, which is a natural cane sugar compound found in vegetables and fruits.

    When mixed, this solution extracts the caffeine because it draws out the chlorogenic acids found in caffeine. The beans are steamed and washed in this liquid multiple times, making them 97% decaffeinated. This cuts the amount of milligrams of caffeine in your cup down from 95 to 2! Pretty cool, right?

    The beans are then sundried for several days until they reach the optimum level of 10-12% moisture and sealed with a natural wax. They are then bagged and placed on shipping containers to start their journey to our Rutland roastery.
    On arrival, our artisan roast will run a sample roast before cupping it with head chimps Andy & Laura. When they are happy with the flavours, the roast profile is recorded and ready to duplicate to roast these beans for you lovely folks!


  • What Does the Score Mean?

    Speciality coffee receives a score to gain its speciality title. Coffee cupping is the name of the tasting process that decides this score. Certified Q Graders experience the coffee in strict conditions and award points for aspects such as aroma, acidity and mouthfeel. When tallied up, these points give us the coffee’s overall score. Don’t add up to 80? Then you’ve got a sub-standard commodity coffee. 80 points or more? Then you’ve got an awesome coffee with speciality status! Want to know more? Check out our coffee cupping guide.

  • Roasting

    Speciality coffees are full of flavour, whether they are rich, chocolatey cups or fruity coffees reminding you of summer. Coffee this (naturally) good takes skill and effort; only the best coffee farmers grow these groovy beans! As coffee-lovin’ coffee roasters, we want to make the farmers proud and put all the awesome coffee flavours centre stage.

    Small batch roasting is how our magic comes about. Roasting by hand in 12kg batches ensures every roast is perfectly tailored, while regular roasting (we’re talking multiple times each week) means every Two Chimps bag is fresh, fresh, fresh! All of our coffees are different, so we build bespoke roast recipes to suit each bean. And we never over roast, never ever. Over-roasting is a cheeky way of masking the nasty flavours in low-grade beans and gives a bitter edge to the final cup. We only source the ripest, best-tasting beans, so there’s no need to roast them up to their eyeballs. Perfect roast for a perfect, naturally sweet flavour… that’s Two Chimps!

  • The Decaffeination Process

    The sugar cane process is a gentle and natural way to decaffeinate coffee! It uses an organic compound called Ethyl Acetate (EA), which comes from sugar cane.

    Once extracted, the EA is mixed with fresh mountain water to create a special solution that washes the coffee beans, gently removing the caffeine while keeping all those delicious flavours intact.

  • The Nuts and Bolts

    Roast Style: Medium

    Location: Hulia, Tolima

    Varietal(s): Castillo, Caturra, Colombia

    Processing: Washed

    Altitude: 1200-2000 metres above sea level

    Country: Colombia

    Certification: Speciality

    Decaffeinated Process: Sugarcane

    Score: 83.5

    What does this all mean? Check out our Jargon Buster.

  • Why buy speciality coffee from us?

    We pay between 30 and 150% more for our coffee than the going rate. This ensures that the farmers receive the support, training, facilities and income they deserve for producing such amazing coffee.

    We couldn’t do it with you, so thank you for choosing Two Chimps Coffee!

  • Where does the name come from?

    What’s the best thing to do when your bored of fishing the traditional way? Add a fat PH on it and phish with dynamite instead!

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Phishing With Dynamite Decaffeinated Sample?

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