A super starter kit.
Hario V60 Pour Over Kit 02 Size Black VCSD-02B-EX

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    The perfect gift set for beginners and coffee fans, this Hario V60 pour over kit has everything you would need for a super cup of filter coffee. This set includes a clear plastic V60 coffee dripper, a pack of 100 02 sized filters, heat resistant V60 coffee server and a handy measuring scoop. In fact, the only thing the Hario V60 pour over kit is missing is some yummy coffee!

    Like the V60 02 sized standalone pour over, this kit will also brew coffee for 1 to 4 people.

    The coffee server will hold 700ml of coffee and comes with a lid to keep the heat in too.

    There is even a manual in the box giving you a perfect place to start!

    In need of coffee too? Our Hario V60 gift set comes complete with freshly ground coffee.

    Free UK 1st class delivery.

    Kettle and Tin for photography purposes only.


We’ve offset the carbon for your coffee, including delivery to your door.

We care about the service we provide to our customers. We are here to help with any questions you may want to ask in relation to this product.


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