Transport yourself to La Cabaña! This delicious Must-Try speciality coffee is light and floral, with fresh strawberry and pink grapefruit floating over dreamy chocolate!


  • More Info

    Limited availability – Your order will be hand-numbered from the 110 available.

    Get yours while you can! Will yours be number 3 or 56, or the last one, number 110?

    250g of must-try coffee will arrive in a reusable Two Chimps Coffee tin complete with an information card and booklet to read all about this exceptional coffee.

    Treat yourself today to a must-try coffee, expertly roasted by our artisan head roaster, Roo. This is one not to be missed.


We’ve offset the carbon for your coffee, including delivery to your door.

We care about the service we provide to our customers. We are here to help with any questions you may want to ask in relation to this product.


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Coffee Origins

The Nuts and Bolts
  • Roast Style

    Light and Fruity

  • Location

    Pital, Colombia

  • Varietal(s)

    Castillo, Caturra

  • Processing

    Natural/dry processed with 200-hour anaerobic fermentation

  • Altitude

    1850-1900 metres above sea level

  • Certification

    Speciality and Organic

  • Score


  • What does this all mean?

    Check out our Jargon Buster.


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  • Tastes Like

    As delicate as it is delicious, La Cabaña is a rare treat of subtle floral notes, fresh strawberry and pink grapefruit, all wrapped up in rich chocolate. This 110-tin lot of Colombian magic is an unmissable experience for the coffee lover.

  • How to brew

    While this coffee tastes awesome in every device, our favourites are a filter, Chemex or cafetiere.

  • Behind the scenes

    Spanning 40 hectares of stunning volcanic landscape, La Cabaña Farm in Huila is a paradise for the 250,000 coffee trees that grow there. The soil is lush and fertile, whilst the bright sunlight and excellent access to water mean Huilanese farmers can grow exceptional coffees almost all year round.

    Huila is a prime growing region known for its high-quality coffees and innovative, conscientious farmers. Crops are grown with great care before being skilfully processed, often using novel methods. This combination of farming excellence and pioneering spirit makes Huilanese coffees highly sought after.

    This coffee epitomises everything Huilanese – a carefully grown microlot treated to 200 hours of anaerobic fermentation, creating a complex cup that perfectly balances acidity and sweetness.   Lovingly hand-roasted here in Rutland, this Must-Try coffee is unmissable.

  • What does the score mean?

    Some coffees are better than others, with the very best being awarded the title of speciality. The people who decide this are called Q graders and undergo rigorous training to ensure they are judging coffees consistently and fairly, no matter which Q grader is evaluating which coffee. Each coffee is given a score out of 100, with those coffees scoring 80 or more classed as speciality.

    Speciality coffee represents the best coffee has to offer. Once you get above that magic score of 80, you’re in for a treat. Interestingly, above this point, higher scores don’t necessarily mean better coffees. Rarity, unusualness, and personal taste all play a part. A 90+ coffee may have a unique flavour, but that doesn’t make it ‘better’ than a beautifully balanced 84, and certainly doesn’t guarantee you’ll enjoy drinking it more.

  • Roasting

    Unlike with commodity-grade coffee, we’re never fixing a problem when roasting. Each coffee is different, so we roast carefully, ensuring we preserve the beautiful origin characteristics that make our speciality coffees special.

  • Why buy speciality coffee from us?

    When you’re happily sipping on your Two Chimps coffee, it’s not just you that’s benefitting! You’re also supporting:

    • Coffee that is ethically sourced via a small supply chain
    • Farmers being paid 30 – 150% more
    • A small carbon-neutral business
    • Important programmes to help improve the coffee industry
  • Where does the name come from?

    La Cabaña is a project started by Danilo Perez, a pioneering young Columbian farmer. Centred on the principles of quality and innovation, the La Cabaña project produces small batches of highly differentiated coffees. We love his work and have kept his name on the coffee he grew, and we’ve roasted.

  • What is a Must-Try coffee?

    Our new Must-Try range is a series of exceptional microlot coffees from around the world. Microlots are small crops of coffee, kept separate to preserve their origin characteristics and beautiful flavours. Each microlot in our Must-Try range has been carefully curated and roasted before being delivered to you. There’s only one downside – the limited amount of it available. When it’s gone, it’s gone. So get yours today or risk missing out!

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Must-Try Coffee?

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