American Peppermint Tea – Naturally Caffeine Free

This American Peppermint tea has a high, fresh, pungent character, without any earthy nettle notes often found in peppermint teas. De-lish!

Our 125g bags are recyclable too.

  • More Info

    This caffeine-free, loose-leaf Peppermint tea ticks the boxes for all times of the day. Most naturally suited for bedtime due to its lack of caffeine, however, this soothing smooth minty tea is a great all-day crowd pleaser.

    Margot says… “Naturally caffeine & calorie-free is what I want from my cup of tea! A cup in the evening helps me relax after the day’s events.”

    American Peppermint tea is highly sought after. The benefits of Peppermint tea are not limited to its caffeine & calorie free-ness however; oh no! Other benefits include stress reduction, it can aid sleep, improves digestion & helps boost the immune system. Like mint grown in the garden, this peppermint grows at a super-fast rate and takes over even the biggest of farms where it naturally repels insects. Peppermint sprouts from purple to white flowers, then a dark green before showing it’s fragrant leaves.

    Here at Two Chimps, we source the best teas from all over the globe to bring you a smile and some happiness, one cup at a time. All of our teas are available in different sized bags and are complete with handy tips and tricks for brewing too.

    What are you waiting for – this could totally be your cup of tea.

    125g bag

    Need an infuser to brew your tea? Grab one of loose leaf tea infusers here.


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