Single Origin Coffee: Where do our coffees come from?

25th January 2024

Where in the world do we find our speciality, single-origin brews?


If you’ve been a Two Chimps Coffee lover for a while, you would have noticed our coffees don’t stick around forever. Each of our coffees has a new roast once or twice a year, per coloured label, with our limited edition and seasonal brews changing more frequently. This is all due to the single-origin aspect of our coffees. Physical and environmental factors, such as changes in harvesting, rainfall, etc., affect the overall flavour of that coffee. Once the coffee is harvested, shipped and roasted, we can never experience that exact flavour palette again. We’ve created this handy dandy map to visually show where our current selection of brews is coming from!


Single Origin Speciality Coffee- Map


Why is single origin so important we hear you scream? We could go on forever talking about how single-origin beans are the best of the bunch, but we will try to keep it short but sweet today because we have a lot to discuss!

Let’s start with one of the most significant factors- they taste flipping fantastic. They have an oomph and a zing you can’t get from low-grade, commodity coffee. This is due to the way the coffee has been grown and harvested. When coffee is blended (like most commodity supermarket coffees), the flavours of multiple beans jumble together, causing a confusing cup. There is just too much going on in your brew! With single-origin coffee, you only taste one single variety of beans.

At Two Chimps, every single one of our coffees is single origin, speciality, and never blended. Unless, of course, you pop along to one of our make your own coffee blend workshops, where you make your personalised blend. Since our beans are single origin, we can pinpoint the single farms and estates that grew our coffee within the country of origin. We can even trace some to the specific farm or the farmers themselves! We pay 30-120% more for our speciality brews, which means these farmers get a higher income for their hard work.

South America

We currently have four coffees originating from this continent—one in Brazil, one in Peru and two from Colombia.

Pink label coffee: Auntie Mary’s Green Canary 

Location: Brazil, Cerrado Mineiro

This coffee was grown by two remarkable women, Tacila Almeida Conti and Vivian Gonçalves De Freitas Campos Borges, in the Cerrado Mineiro region. This area boasts incredible benefits for the coffee cherry crop, with mineral-rich soil and steady climate. They give our coffee a second-to-none, unbelievable flavour profile of creamy chocolate, hazelnut, cosy dried fruit, and a crisp apple zing.

This coffee was sourced hand in hand with the Café Delas Programme, which was created to help female farmers access resources, knowledge, and a voice to grow their operations. A portion of every sale is reinvested in programmes promoting gender equality and female empowerment. Tasty coffee that makes the world a better place. What more could you want??

Red Label (limited edition) Coffee: Coffee and Paste

Location: Peru, Jaén

Next, let’s pay a visit to Peru! Jaén sits along the Andes, with a warm climate year-round with frequent refreshing showers. The altitude and nutrient-rich soil make it the ideal place to grow coffee. This brew is produced by the Ande Peruanos Coffee Producers Association near Jaén, a not-for-profit organisation already helping over 260 farming families. They are dedicated to helping grow speciality coffee and improving income, quality of life and the sustainability of coffee cultivation areas.

This limited-edition coffee has a rich dark chocolate body with a unique twist of sweet strawberry jam, topped with fresh grapefruit zest. We’re drooling!

Blue Label: My Morning Allama

Location: Colombia, Hulia

This irresistible arabica coffee is known in Colombia as ‘Dulima’ and was developed in 2009 to embody the essence of top-class South Huilan coffee. The name was inspired by the nickname given to the Tolima Volcano by the indigenous people, with ‘Dulima,’ meaning Snow Queen. This must be up there as one of our top three origin names; we think it’s seriously awesome!

Huila is one premium coffee-growing region. It’s famous for being the first department in Colombia to start coffee production, plus it’s picture-perfect growing conditions. It can’t be beaten with mountainous landscapes, high altitudes, AND mineral-rich soil. This fantastic coffee has toffee notes with apple and pear. Yummy!

Purple Label (Decaffeinated): 3 o’clock at night

Location: Colombia, Lavado

This decaf coffee comes from small farms in the Hulia and Tolima regions of Colombia (the same as our blue coffee). The Arabica plant has been growing here since the 18th century; crazy, right?! Tolima is surrounded by the Andean mountains & the Magdalena River basin, making access difficult but worth it for this fantastic nutty decaf coffee.

In the mountainous regions, the cherries are hand-picked when perfectly ripe, which ensures the delightful tangs and flavours that we love at Two Chimps. With this brew, you can expect a creamy, nutty, malty base with a soft, lemony acidity. Want a decaf that tastes like the real deal? You’ve got it!

North America

Moving into North America, where our orange, green, and white coffees are sourced, let’s dive right in.

Green Label: Freshly Knitted Bicycle

Location: Guatemala, Unión Cantinil

You’ll find a silky milk chocolate texture with a warming sweetness of caramel in this amazing brew. Topped with notes of acidity from apples & cherries, this deserves a gold star. These beans have been grown in the Huehuetenango region in Guatemala, enjoying all the wonderful qualities this area offers. Many of these farming lands lay in the north-facing mountains. This restricts the coffee fruit’s time with natural sunlight, which slows down the fruit’s interaction with the sun. Surprisingly, this creates a sweeter, rounder and fuller-tasting coffee in the cup.

Orange Label: What Time will I Grow Up?

Location: Nicaragua, Matagalpa

This awesome coffee comes from Matagalpa, Nicaragua’s second-largest coffee region. With a network of 25 buying stations, there is easy access for the most rural farmers working in remote communities. Hurrah! This area is renowned for excellent coffee due to the perfect yin and yang combination of physical factors such as altitude and climate.

One of the best things about these beans is that women have operated the whole process almost exclusively. This is all due to the Café Delas programme. According to the United Nations, if female farmers had the same access to resources as men, this surge in production would decrease world hunger by 150 million. That’s wild when you think about it! We are so happy to support this programme, especially when you taste how good this brew is (it’s our best seller for a reason!) This creamy speciality brew has a full-bodied feel, topped with flavours of chocolate and caramel. Yummy!

White Label (limited edition): Autumn the Fourth

Location: Mexico, Huatusco de Chicuellar

This limited-edition microlot coffee, is sourced from the Sampieri and Zilli family farms in Huatusco de Chicuellar in Eastern Mexico.

Coffee production plays a big part in the culture here; at the end of every harvest, the locals celebrate La Viuda Del Café, or the ‘Coffee’s Widow’ festival. This is named after the loneliness of the coffee plants coming to the end of the season. They mourn until they are ‘courted’ again during the next harvest. Poor little things!

This limited-edition coffee truly has a sparkle for being extra special. This all comes down to its unique fermentation process involving a starter culture. This method was conducted using indigenous microorganisms found in the coffee. Starting with squeaky clean fermentation tanks, the pulped cherries are soaked in their natural yeasts, bacteria and fungi. This specific process runs three times longer than usual, whilst the pH and temperature are consistently monitored to ensure everything runs smoothly. Once complete, the coffee is washed and dried to 11% moisture. This is where our expert Two Chimps roaster steps in, creating apple fizz, frangipane and strawberry flavours.

East Africa

Our final two brews come from Uganda in East Africa!


Lilac Label (Decaffeinated): The Daydream Continues

Location: Uganda, Kyambogo Farm

Buttery biscuit topped with dark chocolate, walnut, and a cheeky chunk of toffee. Sounds heavenly, right…Wait what? It’s decaf! How can it sound this good and be missing caffeine? It’s all down to the fantastic work of Kyambogo Farm and the sparkling water process.

Within hours of being picked, a team of nearly 160 local women and men take the perfectly ripe cherries to a washing station. After pulping, the beans undergo a unique fermentation method involving a pre-wash and a long soak in cold mountain spring water, followed by a gentle forty-hour fermentation and final wash. The beans are dried before decaffeinating using sparkling water, a natural process without nasty chemicals. This method is organic and chemical-free and leaves natural, recyclable by-products behind. High five for sparkling water!

Yellow Label: Smile at the Yawners

Location: Uganda, Rwenzori Mountains

This coffee was grown in the Rwenzori Mountains, located at the border between Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo. Uganda has produced Arabica coffee for over 100 years; due to the climate, rich soils, and tropical rainfall, this region produces some superior beans!

Historically, coffee from this area had a bad reputation due to a lack of knowledge in farming and poor processing techniques. This is where Agri Evolve stepped in to make a change. This company is a profit-for-purpose business working closely with Ugandan farmers to increase agricultural education for farmers. By improving farming practices, a higher quality crop and yield is created. They provide a steady income to benefit themselves, their families and their communities. Hurrah!

Phew, we told you there was a lot to cover! We think it’s fascinating to learn about all the processes, flavours and countries of origin for these beautiful brews, and highlights why you should choose us for your coffee fix!


Check out all our coffees below, including a light and fruity limited edition Valentine’s Day brew.


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